Healthy Tips for Truckers

Healthy Tips for Truckers

Long haul drivers travel long distances frequently and can be away from home for weeks at a time. For many, it's a rough job that can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, as the very nature of the work is sedentary and somewhat monotonous. As a result, many look to stimulants such as caffeine and sugar to keep them awake and satiated, which can prove to be a dangerous choice. Rest stops and convenience stores add to the problem, as food choices trend toward the unhealthy and make choosing healthier options difficult. In conjunction with a grueling work schedule where sleep can be irregular and exercise options are limited, you've got a dangerous combination that leads to potential disaster.

The good news is there are a few simple steps truckers can take to avoid these unhealthy tendencies. With a little tweak in routine and food choices, truckers can look forward to a well-balanced lifestyle that leaves them feeling energized and avoids burnout, all of which is essential to a successful career as an OTR trucker.

Eat Healthy on the Go

Part of the problem with trying to eat while rolling the roads is fast food, soda and junk are often the most readily available, and more affordable eating options. However, these unhealthy options can be costly in the long run as they lead to many health issues that can impact your ability to work. Rather than pick what's cheap and easy, go for food and drink choices that stabilize your blood sugar and boost your immune system. Stock up on snacks that are high in protein and low in sugar to keep your hunger at bay between meals - this way you won't overdo it when you sit down for meals. And when you do sit down for your meals, aim for lighter far such as salads and wraps, rather than burgers and fries.


Trucking is one of the most sedentary jobs out there, and sitting for long periods of time can really take a tole on your body. Exercising for as little as 30 minutes a day can mean all the difference in how you body handles the stress of sitting. Your best bet is to just stick with the basics - light stretching before to help loosen your muscles, then a round of cardio to get your heart going. A simple jog or brisk walk around the lot can really help keep your heart healthy, and is a simple, yet effective task that can be done anywhere. And if you're looking to build more muscle, small dumbbells of 5 - 10 lbs can be easily help you bulk up by doing alternating bicep curls, shoulder presses and other weight lifting exercises, and they can easily be stowed away in your cab without taking up much room.

Get plenty of sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial to your safety. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, more than 30% of long haul truckers have admitted to nodding off while driving. That is a dangerous behavior, that could very well end in disaster - so getting plenty of sleep is an absolute must.

While there are many tips out there for healthy living while long-haul trucking, these three tips are the core of what will help you structure your new, healthier lifestyle. For those of you who already implement these tips, what else would you add for someone looking to get healthy on the road?